Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The Topshan Art Show....

The Ideford Art Group has just completed a splendid weekend show at Topsham...


We were supported by many visitors who all showed a great interest in our work, and this has encouraged us to continue with our idea of showing our Art in as many easily accessible places as possible in the South West of England...
Here we have just finished setting up on the Friday night...

jon mac+art

Here Jan Lunn explains some of her techniques to one of our guests...

jon mac+art

jon mac+ideford+hennock

And some great work by Oliver Lucas

jon mac+ideford+hennock

Oliver Lucas

I spent a few days making some rustic spoons and whistles to add to my display...

jon mac+ideford+hennock

I must admit I gave away most of the whistles to passing children...And a couple of adults...lol

jon mac+hennock+ideford

Paul and Olly discussing the best way of enticing the passing potential viewers...

jon mac+art+ideford+hennock

jon mac+ideford+hennock

jon mac+hennock+ideford

And some super glass work by

jon mac+ideford+hennock

All in all we had a great time and we were greatly encouraged by the wonderful people who came to visit...

Thank you Topsham...


Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...