Monday, 25 June 2012

Spoon carving and Kuksa in the making....

I took some photographs of two spoons I recently carved over the weekend and thought I might post them up on a new blog run by my friend Sean Hellman.

Spoon carving

Spoon carving

Spoon carving

Spoon carving

I gave it some thought but decided I would be cheating if I did.
Sean is a woodworker - designer with a passion for trees and photography. His business, Woodwright Designs, is based in the old stannery town of Ashburton, nestling in the foothills of Dartmoor. 
Sean has a blog called ...
He also has another interesting blog called ...
This is where I fell down on being able to post my spoons.
The wood I used didn't strictly come from the fire wood pile.

Here are the rules...

Rules for Pimp My Firewood.

The wood must be firewood either green or seasoned.
Size restrictions are 3 foot long, any diameter.
This wood must come from the firewood pile or be about to go into the firewood pile.
Any tools can be used : traditional hand tools including stone, electric or even computer controlled.
You must supply a photo of your log before you use it and a photo of the finished item.
Work in progress photos would be useful for anyone reading the blog, to understand and learn more about woodwork.
Please feel free to write about how you crafted the item or any related stories or points of interest.
Measurements of the log is to be supplied.

This challenge is open to anyone, beginner, professional, from any country.
You can make anything.

 To have your work included, email me at , with photos and text.

Please include a few words about yourself  or your business.

This blog welcomes suggestions, articles and other wood related material.
We want to educate, entertain and inspire...

Go on folks... Go visit Sean's site, you'll find all the details needed to join in the fun.
Get your edge tools sharpened up and put that camera to work...


Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...