Monday, 4 June 2018

spooncarving courses.

We had a super week here in our wee village down in Devon.
Sarah and I organised two spooncarving courses which we delivered in the old orchard next door.
We set up our little Laavu and a shelter sheet, popped the stove in and waited for the arrival of our first students on this particular site.
It takes a bit of hard work setting up a comfortable site, something that is pleasing to the eye and comfortable. I tapped into some skills I learned whilst working for a Chrysler Jeep roadshow some years ago. Judging by the smiles on the faces of our students, we made a good job of it.


Not only do we have to spend time on the set-up I have to fettle the students edge tools to give them the best of carving experiences.


I'm very keen on delivering good instruction and like to keep my group size to a minimum, five is the maximum. If students require a more intimate experience, I can accommodate their request. Our first students were from Northern Europe!
A super couple, one a fine furniture maker and the other an accomplished leatherworker.


It is often the case that my students are novices who have no experience in the use of Axe, knife and hook knife. I run through the whole process from Axe work through to the tricky hook, including knife safety and knife holds. We also spend some time on how to choose the best part of a log and how to split the round down to a useable size and shape.


I must say, I enjoy kick starting folks spoon carving journey.


The weather held for both courses, it was brighter for the second event, so we decided to go with a shelter sheet and leave the gazebo in its pack.

We used some Hessian gifted to me by Willow Lohr a few years back to create side panels to shade us. It worked well and I will have to buy some more for future use.



Whilst I teach my students I will often endeavour to carve a spoon or two for them to take away as patterns for their next carve. I'm sure it's useful to have something one can reference.



I will post more available course dates here at
All are welcome, from beginner to journeyman. 
I will also be offering classes in carving Kuksa using only three edge tools, Axe, knife and hook. 


Being able to carve these pieces in the forest is a wonderful skill to learn. No heavy pieces of equipment are needed, just quiet determination.
We can offer camping at the site to accommodate two day courses.
Bring your own tent or bivvi.


Sarah and I spent a few nights in the Laavu, cooked dinner on the stove and enjoyed the peace bought on by the setting sun. The birdlife here about is bountiful, the dawn chorus is an absolute cacophony of song, utterly wonderful. We even saw owls fly over camp and listened to them calling from early afternoon through twilight until it became fully dark, then I guess the hunt for food began in earnest. We were snug in the Laavu, it was really quite warm...

We have also been demonstrating at local shows here in Devon


We have confirmed a place at 
 Marldon Apple Pie Fair
Saturday 28th July
Jubilee Meadow, Marldon. TQ3 1NH
So if you are passing, pop in for a chat.

Before I sign off I'd like to thank my friends and neighbours Tim and Chris for their support.
And all of you out there in cyber world too.
All the best for now...

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...