If you're looking for a versatile and stylish spoon carving/bushcraft knife.
Look no further.
Chris Grant has taken my MaChris Bushcraft/carving knife design one step beyond.
Our mutual friend J. P. Woodlife asked Chris if he could make a special.
Chris is always looking to push the envelope so he took the job on.
The result.....
Some beautiful leatherwork and stylish wood/antler work.
As usual for the MaChris and MiniMac, Chris has employed some tough 52100 bearing steel for this custom knife.
The Scandinavian grind can be kept razor sharp by employing a 'King' or 'Ice Bear' water stone with a fine light strop to finish.
Chris used stabilised poisoned Yew and Reindeer antler for the handle, all kept in place with copper pins.
I'm hoping J. P will post a few words in the near future about his new MaChris.
You can find out what J. P gets up to here on his web page.
If you would like Chris to make you a MaChris Special, why not give him a shout at....
Click 'HERE' for tech spec.
Don't forget.
The Scout Outdoor Adventure Manual would make a great gift for those dark winter nights.
Available through Amazon and other good book dealers.