Saturday, 7 August 2010

The New Office...

I recently decided to re-locate Spoon carving central office. The hovel used to be located next to the vegetable plot, under the Maple tree. It was getting a little cramped there, so I have re-built the office in the bottom field. I started out by making a frame work with some fairly substantial pieces of Hazel...

shelter building+spoon carving

shelter building+spoon carving

I didn't use any cord, I made use of the forks I left at the ends and intertwined them...

shelter building+spoon carving

I laid smaller sticks vertically from ground to ridge, and then used flexible whips to weave and bind it all together...
This little chap 'Deilephila elpenor' gave me a helping hand...

shelter building+spoon carving

Once I was happy there was enough lattice work to hold the thatch in place, I set about cutting some of the long grass I keep in this field. I lay the thatch starting from the ground up...

shelter building+spoon carving

shelter building+spoon carving

I wanted to insulate myself from the cold ground, so I pegged a couple of long logs across the entrance...

shelter building+spoon carving

shelter building+spoon carving

And filled the resulting space with flexible sticks...

shelter building+spoon carving

And then covered the whole lot with Hay...

shelter building+spoon carving

shelter building+spoon carving

I dug a small circular fire pit in front of the Hovel, and invited some friends round for a Curry...

shelter building+spoon carving

shelter building+spoon carving

We had a great evening and the office is now open for Spoon carving business...


Whilst undertaking this job I have also been busy making some treen to send up to the wilderness gathering. My work and others, including Custom knives by Chris Grant, will be shown on the woodlife. stand...




Unfortunately I wont be attending due to other commitments. But I am sure Pablo at Woodlife will afford you all a warm welcome....J


Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...