Saturday, 29 June 2019

Kuksa-Camp !

I recently took bookings for one to one carving tuition here at Kuksa-Camp.
To be honest, we had a Spoon-Camp too.

Spoon/Kuksa Camp in the Shire.

We set up camp for two students, one of whom contacted me as she was visiting from New Zealand.
We've had a great time carving and teaching, we also had time to shake down some of our equipment well be packing for our tenure at the 

Jon Mac. Spoon carving camp.

Sarah and I will be at the Crannog from Monday 29th July to Tuesday 6th August.
I will be demonstrating the fine art of spoon carving over the course of the 'Celts are coming' event, Friday 2nd August - Monday 5th August and I am available for courses at all other times. Contact the Crannog or email me at 
for further details.

Getting to grips with Kuksa hollowing.

Sarah Mac will be on hand to demonstrate her super skills in the art of wool felting and natural dyeing. She's a mine of information.

One of our students, Peter, from Preston, spent three days with us learning Kuksa and spoon carving techniques using only Axe, knife and hook knife.
We also lightly touched on the aspects of achieving a fine carving edge on ones knife.

Peter goes through the motions of knife sharpening.
The hook knife is central to my freestyle form of Kuksa and spoon carving.
Such a simple looking tool that one would imagine its use as minimal.
After some many years of using one I have managed to wring pretty much every advantage there is to its use whilst Kuksa carving.
I always try my hardest to pass these skills to my students.

Hollowing a Kuksa with Peter.

Peter successfully hollowing his Kuksa with a hook knife.

Kuksa carvers are go!

Spooncarving class begins.

Sarah and I are gradually establishing the camp to include a limited space for students to camp over for weekend classes, we have a spare Tipi for your use and there is space for perhaps three normal sized tents.

Sarah and Jon Mac.

Working under the shade of a CanvasCamp tarp.

The aftermath of a Kuksa carve.

Peter and his Kuksa.

Peter gets to grips with his spoon carve.

Peters newly carved spoon.

Spoon carving.

 We had a super sunny day with Linda who traveled all the way from NZ.
She wanted to learn how I went about carving my freehand spoons.
We had a good time and lots of laughs. She returned with her partner a day or so later and took me up to the local and bought me a pint or two. 
Thanks Linda!

spoon camp-spooncarving
Linda and I enjoy a cuppa at spoonCamp.

Linda carving her spoon.

Linda's newly carved spoon.

Left to Right, Lindas spoon, one of my spoons and the spoon I carved as a demonstration.

Prepairing the timber.
 If you wish to join me here in the Devon countryside have a look at the timetable I have posted in my previous posts, pick a day or weekend and if possible I will change the course heading to suit your requirements.
Drop me an email at jonmacbookings@gmail for further information.

Jon Mac.
 Cheers for now.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...