Sunday, 14 October 2012

Spoon carving with...The Westermann Axe.

I would like to introduce you to the Westermann Axe.

Spoon carving axe MacNic axe

I have been working with blade smith and axe maker Nic Westermann on a super carving axe.
I wanted an axe that was accurate, comfortable when choked, and good at splitting fine work. 
It needed a flat initial cutting edge with a rise toward the toe and a toe higher than the eye so it has more clearance to turn in the work.
The eye to blade distance has been kept as tight as possible for accuracy.
At the moment the head is mounted on an experimental haft.
The  axe is made from a block of mild steel with a slit and drifted eye.
The blade is split and a thin bar of silver steel is inserted and welded blacksmith style.
The Silver steel is tempered so as not to chip or fold in harder timber.
The hardness of the insert is 58rc approx.
The cutting edge is flat ground (scandi) at or about 30 degrees.
With a raised poll to allow some batoning.
The all up weight is 2 lbs approx.
As you can see, there is plenty of room for your finger under the beard for those up close moments.
Axe heads like this can be purchased from
Nic Westermann at...

Spoon carving axe MacNic axe


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