Friday, 20 July 2018

Spoon carving courses and demonstrations.

I've a few dates to share with you.
We have a busy period round the corner where I will be demonstrating and teaching at some special venues.

The first is the 'Marldon Apple Pie Fair' which is close to Totnes.
The fair will be on Saturday the 28th July.
I will be there with Sarah demonstrating the fine art of spooncarving.


Shortly after, we will be filling the car and heading north up to the highlands of Scotland where I will be resident at the 'Scottish Crannog Centre' from Wednesday 1st August till Tuesday 7th August.
I will be running courses over that time period and I will also be demonstrating over the weekend of Saturday 4th Sunday 5th at the Crannogs yearly 'The Celts are Coming' event.
Follow the link to make a booking for one of my courses.
We may even get a chance to sleep in the Crannog itself.




Then we are headed back south to rest and pack for the 'Wilderness Gathering' Bush Farm Bison Centre in Wiltshire.
This event runs from the 16th August till the 19th August.
I will be demonstrating spooncarving with Axe, knife and hook.
Come along and watch, ask questions and get involved in a spot of folk art bushcraft style.


All in all it's going to be a busy time, we're looking forward to the events and we hope to meet up with some of you soon.
All the best for now... J

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Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...