Tuesday, 2 August 2011

The project...

A few weeks ago I was asked by two local chaps ( Alan and Dave ) if I could teach them some spoon making techniques.
We organised a day when we were all free and met up in the garden...

spoon carving+spoon+carving+spooncarving+spooncarvingfirststeps

We had a very productive day making spoons and eating sausages cooked on an open fire...
Some weeks later Nikki popped round and asked if I could make a large Kuksa for her husband Dan. It would soon be his birthday.
It needed to be big enough for his morning porridge. 
I said it wouldn't be a problem...
Nikki wanted me to carve a 'JonMac' style Kuksa with the distinct beaver tail...

In the meantime Nikki had asked Alan if he would make some porridge spoons to match the Kuksa...
Alan has come on leaps and bounds since his course with me a few weeks ago...

kuksa spoon carving spoon carving first steps

I think between us we have done a great job...

kuksa spoon carving spoon carving first steps

I'm sure  Dan will enjoy his early morning Porridge...

kuksa spoon carving spoon carving first steps

Well done Alan, a splendid job...

kuksa spoon carving spoon carving first steps


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful job...love the your unique style...and the spoons too!...super supware for sure!

    P.s. it me rebecca


Carving a Dragon Kuksa.

Carving a Dragon Kuksa.  I have been carving Kuksa from green Birch for 15 years or so, I’m self taught. From the beginning, I limited mysel...